Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Temple of the "ruling dynasty" in the National Convention Center

Few know that the National Convention Center has a special temple, which is supervised by the people of Me Tri Thuong village. Around the temple there are many interesting stories, bearing bold cultural values.
Landscape painting water charming Next to Do Duc Duc Street (Me Tri Ward), near the fence of the National Conference Center, there is a plaque casted with concrete, directed to the Temple of the Holy Dam. Next to the small gate leading to the entrance, people are free to walk, about 60 meters to the Temple of the Holy Dam. Observed, the temple is located within the confines of the National Convention Center. Total area of ​​the temple is nearly 2000m2, surrounded by three directions is a green lagoon, built around the corridor. From a distance, the temple is like a peninsula, on the other is the modern paintings. The temple is in a solemn position but the temple is simple, open, under a stump of ancient saplings grow on natural green grass. Around the main shrine there are six more ancient rice plants. Outside the temple gate, there are four high columns; Tiled floor. Tran Van Xuyen, deputy head of the relics department of Duc Dam Thuong Temple, secretary of the Me Trinh Thuong village, explained that the temple was worshiped by the selfless, unclassified, "underground law" of thousands of years. now on. Mr. Xuyen said, the temple dates back thousands of years, a total of 18 feudal style feudal. Explaining the origins, Mr. Xuyên told a colorful story. Temple of the Holy Father, was "sacred" thousands of years ago. At that time, in the local poor couple, no children. Every day he goes to work to earn a living. One night went to pull the hooves, the instrument was a strange egg, beautiful color glitter. Bring home, he did not cook the egg into a dish, immediately down a jar. Strangely, every day the egg grows up, glossy. Not long after, the eggs hatched into a white snake, dragon shape, tail end. Without a son, his beloved husband and wife, taking care of the snake as a pet; often save food, drop into jars for snakes. Soon, the snake grew like a breeze; Gentleman, often tangerine side boss as father and son.

The king established the term One night it was raining and winds, suddenly the snake twisted its legs, turning into giant snake gods, causing the jar to burst and crawl out of the nearby lagoon. He ran back, call the snake back but not. Later villagers learned that snake is the third child of the goddess, so the people call it the Truong, or the Holy Dam. Legend has it, the days after the snake left, the old man saddened, no trophy fish. Once he was walking, he remembered the snake, vows that have worked to raise the snake spirit, he wishes to help catch many fish and shrimp. Indeed, from then on, whenever he asked his grandfather to pick up a large fish. The villagers saw that, the old man pointed out, the people set up the worship of the god of snakes at the edge of the lagoon, go fishing is luck here. Not long after, the land was constantly drought, rice fields cracked, lost season. The men in the village scared, discussing, decided to go to the altar Ba Hoang instrument to call rain. Unbelievably, every time the ceremony finished, it rained torrential. The king heard the story, selling information suspected, sent soldiers to local review of the real story. After seeing the right results when the drought, praying for rain at this temple, it was pouring down, the king himself came here to look at the terrain, feng shui, building the temple to be more beautiful, named the Holy Dam. Also renamed this area to Me Tri (rice pond) as today. The mysterious ancient temple at the bottom of the well? According to the legend, the snake's position kicked the body out of the jar, the people digging wells, water full of thugs, called the wells of heaven. From this location to the temple only about 200m. Around the well, people still remember another anecdote. When temples outside the lagoon were built, some old men in the village competed with each other, resulting in personal greed. That night, it was raining torrential rain, thunder flashing, the next day the people suddenly found empty, the temple disappeared, to a tile also not left. Later, drought, to the wells of the sky, many of the water also dried up. Villagers gathered to mud dredge wells, to drain water. Strangely, people discovered a temple under the deep well, is the family was outside the lagoon, the rain storm "sweep" down here. A son, Ngo, discovered the bell in the mud, with three wooden beams. He was dying to death; well the well water is full of back burrowing. From then on, people slapped the well still see the wooden bars, the roof of the house, the bell, but absolutely no one dare to move. The villagers, it is the house of the Holy Dam, protected by the people. The deputy director of temple relics said the previous subsidy, the entire village of Me Tri large sharing this well but the water never depleted. At present, every house uses tap water, but the well is protected by the villagers, the carp is fed to the farm, no one dares to infringe. When the National Convention Center was built not long ago, people knew the temple here, the project of building this national scale has spent part of the area for people to continue believing. , worship according to local fine customs. In commemoration of the Blessed Sacrament, every year on February 18th, the villagers held a ritual sacrifice on the temple grounds. In addition, every five years, the two villages of Me Tri Thuong and Me Tri Ha alternate the procession, passing through many streets in the area. In even the upper village, the procession procession, the odd village, the village. The temple is located in the midst of a state-of-the-art modern building that has many legends, and continues to be read in the Law and the Age of 154 currently being issued nationwide.

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