Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Traditional handicraft village Nhan Thap, Nhon Hau

On the QL1, north-south direction, from Dap Da ward (An Nhon), turn to the west for about a kilometer to go to Nhon Hau commune. Here, besides pottery, smiths, there are handicraft villages in Nhan Thap with famous wood products from the past.

The handicraft village of Nhan Thap was the only place where the table, the lamppost, and the table were circled. When the subsidy was cut, some of the locksmiths approached the market and rode on transatlantic journeys. Selling children's toys or wooden decorations by simple means such as ashtray, globe, tea pots ... are consumed by tourist centers. From the consumption of lumber to the wood, the lacquered wood, the young workers of the craft village to find the village of the nacre, wood village in the northern provinces to learn. occupation. Good craftsmanship in the villages of La Xuyen - Nam Dinh, Chang Son - Thach That, Phu Xuyen - Thuong Tin - Hanoi, Dong Ky - Bac Ninh ... , inlaid mother-of-pearl, first is the product consumption, the latter to vocational training for local labor.   Up to now, the village has 6 clay mosaic bases and 05 large establishments - the focal point for purchasing finished products for the purpose of specializing in touching and finishing paint products and more than 100 facilities for turning wood satellite. Wood material used to make the original products in the late twentieth century, using whole group I timber, has now shifted to use wood group V down. The main consumption market in the country and part of exports to China through the North companies. In general, Nhat Thap handicraft village has many good production establishments, has used electric motors for pedestrian milling, sawn timber processing, wood carving preliminary processing. Instead of hand saws, chisels, the quality of products is better, more beautiful, higher productivity, lower production costs, step by step satisfying the demand of customers, expanding domestic and foreign markets. However, in the production process, the foundations encountered many difficulties such as: increasingly scarce wood resources, lack of capital, the application of steel framing lathe is low because of the high cost of capital, the capital Small facilities have not been invested. Most of the craft villages use new wooden lathes using electric motors. In order to gradually restore and develop traditional craft villages in the town, with the provincial and district industrial development funds, in 2006, the town invested in the construction of trade village gates and concrete roads around the village. Funds for vocational training for laborers, financial support for establishments participating in trade fairs, to introduce products. And in 2007, the People's Committee of Binh Dinh Province has recognized the Village of fine art wood meets the criteria of traditional villages.


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